Get your "LIGHT" Sabers HERE!


LED LIGHTSABERS for your STAR WARS Figures! 3,75" and 6"


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A helpful guide for choosing your modules :

Module 2 : Rechargeable only (No Remote Function)

Module 3 : Rechargeable and Flicker (Remote Module 3 Purchase is optional)

Module 4 : Rechargeable, Dimmer, Timer, Pulsing function (Must buy Remote Module 4)

Module 3 + 4 : Rechargeable, flicker, + Dimmer, Timer, Pulsing function (You need to buy remote module 3 and remote module 4 each)

 You only need 1 Remote of each module to control any amount of lightsabers. Keep in mind it’s IR, so you need line of sight to the lightsabers.

FREE REMOTE for purchase of 5 same modules